EPRIME online working partnership meeting

The members of the EPRIME project held an online working partnership meeting, during which various topics and challenges of project implementation were discussed and highlighted, as well as successes so far.

Through joint efforts, the project produced its first deliveries – a document was created to cover communication and dissemination planning issues, which will be used as a guide for future communication of the project to the public.

The partners also discussed the online learning platform Course set-up, which will be the focus of all partners in the upcoming period, with the aim of better providing support to PE teachers in order to provide the highest quality physical education classes in European countries for children aged 4 to 7 years.

The topic of logistical preparations for the next live working meeting, which will be held in September in Lisbon, the home city of our partners Ministério da Educação, Ciência e Inovação, was also discussed.